Biology – Page 15
Glassware found to promote reactions in Miller–Urey 'primordial soup' experiment
By running their famous 1952 experiment in glass flasks, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey might have unintentionally simulated the role of rocks on early Earth
Individual proteins identified with world’s tiniest ruler
Nanosized caliper that can identify individual proteins could ‘do for proteins what next-generation sequencing did for DNA’
Taking the right inspiration from nature
Scientists need to be selective about their sources of inspiration
Possible dinosaur DNA discovered in 125-million-year-old fossil
But that doesn’t mean we can clone extinct species Jurassic Park-style
A vaccine for all seasons?
Phase 1 clinical trials have begun on a candidate that could work against a wide range of flu viruses
Rosalind Franklin Institute opens with goal of connecting life and physical sciences
New £43 million building at Harwell campus will be hub for work on the fundamental mechanisms going on in biology
Tiny shear forces have big effect on protein reactions
Proteins react faster under the forces they experience when they squeeze through blood vessels
Exploiting evolution to explore chemical space shows promise for drug discovery
Using molecular trees – similar to family trees – chemists could predict how products will evolve to make new molecules
Science behind sense of touch and temperature wins medicine Nobel prize
David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian honoured for discovery of ion channels activated by temperature and mechanical force
Bees’ static buzz triggers release of floral fragrance
Discovery reveals new nuances in pollination
UK to ease restrictions on gene editing in crops and livestock
Redefinition of genetically-modified organisms could see Crispr-edited foods brought to market
Cyanobacteria engineered to accept external electricity turn carbon dioxide into fuel
Replacing photosystem II with an exogenous supply of electrons overcomes limitations of natural photosynthesis to fix carbon dioxide more efficiently
DNA robot controls live cells’ movement
Molecular machine walks across cell membrane to activate cellular migration
Ultraphosphates break decades-old anti-branching rule
Discovery of elusive branched phosphates’ unexpected stability means they could have played a role in prebiotic chemistry
Programmable peptoid template for disrupting protein–protein interactions inside cells
System optimises residues involved in binding target independently from those that promote membrane permeability
Fully synthetic proteins make tailored medicines
Bright Peak Therapeutics makes modified protein drugs from scratch
‘Self-inflating’ synthetic cells can capture, store and release cargo
Entirely artificial system can use chemical energy to ‘swallow’ payloads like bacteria
Giant molecular cage protects plastic-eating enzyme
Caged protein withstands temperatures much hotter than its usual melting point and becomes 1000 times more resistant to solvents
UK approves Europe’s first field trials of Crispr-edited wheat
Field trials will examine how low-asparagine plants fare in the field
Heavy metal proteins are the secret weapon in ant bites
Protein-rich biomaterials containing zinc, manganese, copper and bromine allow ants, crabs and scorpions to pack more punch for their size