Computational chemistry – Page 6
Machine learning massively speeds up scouring of periodic table for stable structures
Algorithm investigated 31 million crystal structures with calculations taking seconds instead of hours
Journals to trial tool that automatically flags reproducibility and transparency issues in papers
Software aims to check a paper’s trustworthiness
Powerful rare-earth free magnet ‘evolved’ and refined by machine learning algorithm
Combination of iron, cobalt and boron points to alternatives to metals beset by geopolitical battles
Gigantic database of building blocks will help artificial intelligence uncover new organocatalysts
Publicly available dataset containing thousands of structures could help chemists develop data-driven reaction optimisation methods for organic synthesis
AI beats human experts when it comes to peptide design
Algorithm throws up some counter-intuitive structures in contest
Controversy surrounds corrected chemical structures
Researchers used machine learning-powered NMR prediction to correct improbable structures – but some of their revisions have been challenged
AI discovers the best general conditions yet for cross couplings, doubling yields
Algorithm works with robotic experimenter on tricky Suzuki–Miyaura reactions
Machine learning navigates vast materials space to discover new high-performance alloys
Neural net suggested unusual element combination to create better Invar alloys
Amide library created at speed with machine learning and stopped-flow chemistry
Approach used 90% less starting material than continuous flow equivalent
AI picks out fake science
Textual analysis tool flags manuscripts that may have come from paper mills
A paradigm shift in the development of environmentally sustainable consumer packaged goods
Simulation technologies can shortcut the design process for new materials
Driving environmental sustainability across the polymer supply chain with a digital chemistry strategy
From synthesis to formulation, manufacturing, recycling and reprocessing, computational modelling supports every part of process
‘Periodic table’ of hydrocarbons maps ‘magic’ molecules with exceptional stability
Computational chemists calculate the stability of hydrocarbons and design a map with potential predictive power
Computational study says polonium can form hydrogen bonds
Bonds driven by relativistic effects, rather than electronegativity differences
Why AlphaFold won’t revolutionise drug discovery
Protein structure prediction is a hard problem, but even harder ones remain
AlphaFold has predicted the structures of almost every known protein
Google offshoot DeepMind has released more than 200 million predicted 3D structures, covering nearly the entire protein universe
Perfectly planar stable silicon clusters with six contacts predicted
Hexacoordinated systems theorised to remain stable, even with protecting ligands
Electric fields bring new dimension to debate on atomic size
A new methodology gives surprising answers to an old question
Magnetic fields generate intricate periodic trends
By including magnetic fields in conceptual DFT, scientists have been able to use it to predict chemical behaviour under extreme conditions
Yield-predicting AI needs chemists to stop ignoring failed experiments
For machine-learning algorithms to make accurate yield predictions, chemists need to start reporting more low-yielding reactions and spell out implied experimental details