Catalysis – Page 7
Sublime precursors: how modelling organometallics at surfaces drives innovation in materials processing
Explore atomic-scale simulation workflows – and learn about key precursor properties and the thermodynamics of adsorption
Water splitting electrocatalyst made from unconventional alloy containing 14 elements
Simple dealloying process creates complex nanoporous alloy
Gold(III) catalysis transforms protecting group from base-stable to base-labile
Unique orthogonality in a protecting group achieved using a gold-catalysed cyclisation for selective activation and deprotection
Photocatalyst couples denitrification and water splitting to manage nitrate pollution
Hydrogen gas generated in situ serves as reducing agent
Heavy-atom quantum tunnelling catalysed with Lewis acids
Lewis acid–base interactions found to increase quantum tunnelling rates of rearrangement reaction
Transient spectroscopy sheds light on elusive photoredox process
Study confirms mechanism of sensitisation-initiated electron transfer reaction following extended debate
Electrocatalysis offers green alternative for ethylene purification
Copper catalysts enable selective and efficient acetylene reduction at ambient conditions
Molecular light switch speeds up tricky cyclodextrin synthesis
Reaction could lower cost of useful macrocycle
Glass catalysis screening study prompts reactionware rethink
Base-catalysed reactions are up to 1000 times faster in the presence of glass
Sortase A strategy could see ribosomal products reach further across chemical space
Compound libraries set to benefit from process that harnesses promiscuity of post-translation enzymes
Photocatalytic system mimics sunflowers by bending towards light
Phototropism boosts photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide production
Blue light triggers ‘unprecedented’ reaction in old catalyst
Traditional iridium intermediate switches from allylic substitution to cross coupling when exposed to blue light
Letters: June 2021
Readers discuss pesticides, catalysts and how to dispose of chemicals with a rifle
Quantitative structural analysis using STEM HAADF-iDPC
Learn about advanced zeolite based catalysts synthesis and atomic level characterisation
Alkali cations boost carbon dioxide reduction into feedstock chemical
Discovery enables continuous-flow electrolysers with industrial potential
AI enantioselectivity predictor set to power computational catalyst screening
Workflow involves mapping a reaction representation onto the activation energy of the stereocontrolling step
Photocatalytic process picks out precious metals from waste electronics
Silver, gold, platinum and palladium can be retrieved sequentially from circuit boards and catalytic convertors
Supramolecular cage unlocks mild aldehyde reduction strategy
Computational analysis reveals how encapsulation stabilises protonated oxocarbenium ion of furfural, which makes the carbonyl moiety easier to reduce
Plasmon-assisted click reaction reverses typical relationship between temperature and rate
Decrease in temperature seems to extend lifetime of plasma-induced excited states, which increases probability of reaction occurring
Tandem catalysis and smart design offer new route to polypropylene plastic
Selective combustion of hydrogen by-product improves oxidative propane dehydrogenation yields